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Minimal Scar Top Surgery

Minimal Scar Top Surgery is an ideal method for those with small chests and excellent skin elasticity. Developed by Dr. Elliot Jacobs, Minimal Scar Top Surgery involves only small incisions on the side of the chest and part way around the areola. This minimally-invasive procedure leaves nearly invisible scars after healing, and nipple sensation is retained, making it an excellent choice for the right patient. Revisions can further improve results, including areola and/or nipple reduction.
For those who are just outside the criteria for being suited to the Minimal Scar procedure, Dr. Jacobs can do a staged procedure that will yield low scarring and similar results.
The cost of Minimal Scar Top Surgery: $9000 w/o nipple reduction and $11,000 w/ nipple reduction (accurate as of November 2017.)
For more information about Minimal Scar Top Surgery, please contact Dr. Jacobs.
Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS is
a board-certified plastic surgeon in Boca
Raton, Florida who is a
nationally-recognized expert in male chest
surgery. In practice since 1977, his male
breast reduction and contouring techniques
have been featured extensively in the media,
including programs such as ABC's 20/20
and Good Morning America, CBS's The
Early Show, The Doctors,
MTV's True Life, and Discovery
Health. Website: spsboca.com
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Last updated: 01/25/25